date | title of talk | title of conference and seminar | place |
2000/June |
Torelli problem for degenerating hypersurfaces |
Internatinal Conference on Arithmetic Geometry |
The Euler International Mathematical Institute, Russia. |
2000/July | Torelli problem for degenerating hypersurfaces | International Conference on Algebraic Geometry | Azumino Izumigo, Nagano, Japan. |
2000/September | Hodge theoretic approach to theory of mixed motives | European Research Conference on “Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry” | Obernai, France. |
2001/July | Application of Hodge theory to algebraic cycles | The Summer School ”Trancendental Aspects of Algebraic Cycles” | Institut Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. |
2002/June | Beilinson’s Hodge and Tate conjectures | The Workshop ”K-theory and algebraic cycles” | University of Bologna, Italy. |
2002/July | Noether-Lefschetz problem for Beilinson-Hodge cycles | School and Conference on Algebraic K-theory and its Applications | The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. |
2003/June | Noether-Lefschetz locus for Beilinson-Hodge cycles | The Arithmetic, Geometry and topology of Algebraic Cycles | Instituto de Matematicas (UNAM), Morellia, Mexico. |
2004/September | Finteness results for motivic cohomology | Workshop Algebraic Cycles and Motives, Annual EAGER Conference in honor of Prof. J. P. Murre | Lorentz Center at University of Leiden, Netherland. |
2004/December | Finiteness results for motivic cohomology of arithmetic schemes | Arithmetic Geometry (in honor of Prof. Shioda) | University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. |
2005/March | Algebraic cycles and Mumford-Griffiths invariants | Hodge theory and Log geometry | JAMI at The Johns Hopkins University, USA. |
2005/December | Homology theory of Kato type and motivic cohomology | Regulators II | Banff International Conference Center, Canada. |
2006/March | Weak Bloch-Beilinson conjecture for zero-cycles over local fields | Cohomological approaches to rational points | MSRI, Berkeley, USA. |
2006/May | Noether-Lefschetz problem for Beilinson-Hodge cycles on open surfaces | Antalya Algebra Days VIII | Antalya, Turkey. |
2006/September |
Finiteness results for motivic cohomology of arithmetic schemess |
Arithmetic Geometry |
RIMS, Kyoto, Japan. |
2007/February |
Surfaces over a p-adic field with infinite torsion in the Chow group of 0-cycles |
Algebraic cycles, motives and A^1-homotopy theory over general bases |
Regensburg, Germany. |
2007/May |
Surfaces over a p-adic field with infinite torsion in the Chow group of 0-cycles |
Workshop on the geometry of holomorphic and algebraic curves in complex algebraic varieties |
CRM, Montreal, Canada. |
2007/June |
Surfaces over a p-adic field with infinite torsion in the Chow group of
0-cycles |
Algebraic K-theory and its Applications |
ICTP, Trieste, Italy. |
2007/December |
A conjecture of Colliot-Th'el`ene on zero-cycles over local fields |
G'eom'etrie arithm'etique et vari'et'es rationnelles |
CIRM, Luminy, France. |
2008/July |
Roitman's theorem for 1-cycles on arithmetic schemes |
Algebraic Geometry Seminar |
University of Munich, Munich, Germany. |
2009/January |
Finiteness results for motivic cohomology of arithmetic schemes |
Quadratic forms, linear algebraic groups and cohomology |
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India. |
2009年 8月 |
Finiteness of motivic cohomology, cohomological Hasse principle, special values of zeta functions |
代数学シンポジウム(基調講演) |
明治大学, Tokyo, Japan. |
2009年 12月 |
類体論の高次元化と高次化 |
高木貞治50年祭記念学術講演会 |
東京大学数理科学研究科, Tokyo, Japan. |
2010/July 19-23 |
Equivariant weight homology and Mckay correspondence |
Regulator III |
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. |
2010/August 19-27 |
Cohomological Hasse principle and motivic cohomology of arithmetic schemes |
ICM 2010 |
Hyderabad, India. |
2010/December 26-27 |
Cohomological Hasse principle and resolution of singularities |
Seoul-Tokyo Conferencce on Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry |
KIAS, Seoul, Korea. |
2011/January 18-21 |
Cohomological Hasse principle and resolution of singularities |
Arithmetic and Algebtaic Geometry |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. |
2011/March 14-18 |
Hasse principles from Brauer to Kato II |
Spring School on higher dimensional class field theory |
University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany. |
2012/February 15-18 |
Cohomological Hasse principle and McKay principle |
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2012 |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. |
2012/February 27-March 2 |
Cohomological Hasse principle and McKay principle |
Algebraic Cycles and L-Functions |
Johannes Kepler Research Center, Regensburg, Germany. |
2012/October 29 |
Algebraic cycles with moduli and ramification theory |
Seminaire de theorie des nombres de l'IMJ |
Chevaleret, Paris. |
2012年 11月29日 |
有限体上の多様体上の滑らかな層の存在予想 |
中央大学理工学部数学科談話会 |
中央大学理工学部. |
2013/January 28-31 |
Existence conjecture for smooth sheaves on varieties over finite fields |
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2013 |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. |
2013/May 28-June 1 |
Chow group of zero cycles with modulus and existence conjecture for lisse sheaves on varieties over finite fields |
Homotopical methods in algebraic geometry |
the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA. |
2013/June 24-28 |
existence conjecture of smooth l-adic sheaves on varieties over finite fields |
The second major congress organized by the Pacific Rim Mathematical Association (Plenary talk) |
the Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China. |
2013/July 22-26 |
existence conjecture of smooth l-adic sheaves on varieties over finite fields |
Pan Asia Number Theory conference |
Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in mathematics, Hanoi , Vietnam. |
2013/November 25-29 |
Relative motivic complex with moduli |
Motives in Tokyo, 2013 |
Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. |
2014/March 24-28 |
Relative motivic complex with modulus and regulator maps |
Etale and Motivic Homotopy Theory |
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. |
2015/January 27-31 |
K-theory of rigid spaces and topological Chow groups of algebraic varieties |
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2015 |
University of Tokyo, Japan. |
2015/July 13-31 |
Motives with modulus, |
AMS algebraic geometry summer institute 2015 |
University of Utah, USA. |
2016/January 6-14 |
Motives with modulus, |
International Colloquium on K-theory |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai, India. |
2016/April 3-8 |
Purity for reciprocity sheaves, |
Conference "Generalizations of A^1-Homotopy Invariance in Algebraic Geometry and Homotopy Theory'' |
Haus Kranich, Zinnowitz, Germany. |
2016/August 1-5 |
Purity for reciprocity sheaves, |
International conference in K-theory |
Western Sydney University, Australia. |
2017/April 4-14 |
Purity of reciprocity sheaves and motive of modulus, |
Conference "Algebro-geometric and homotopical methods'' |
Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm, Sweden. |
2017/May 15-19 |
Rigid analytic K-theory, |
Conference "K-theory in algebraic geometry and number theory'' |
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn Germany. |
2017/August 20-16 |
Motives with modulus and cdh descent for reciprocity sheaves, |
Conference "Algebraic K-theory and Arithmetic'' |
Polish Academy of Sciences Conference Center, Bedlewo, Poland. |
2017/December 4-6 |
Motivic interpretation of Artin conductors, |
Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory, Conference on the occasion of Jean-Louis Colliot-Thelene's 70th birthday |
Villa Finaly, Firenze, Italia. |
2018/April 9-14 |
Rigid analytic K-theory, |
Arithmetic and Analysis, Conference on the occasion of Christopher Deninger's 60th birthday |
University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany. |
2018/May 14-18 |
Rigid analytic K-theory, |
Conference "Motivic homotopy theory and refined enumerative geometry'', |
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany. |
2018/September 10-14 |
Rigid analytic K-theory and p-adic Chern characters, |
Conference "Arithmetic Geometry : l-adic and p-adic aspects" , |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan. |
2018/October 1-5 |
Rigid analytic K-theory and p-adic Chern characters, |
Geometry: Local and Global, Conference on the occasion of Prof. V. Srinivas's 60-th birthday, |
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Mumbai, India. |
2019/January 21-25 |
Theory of motives with modulus, |
Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2019, Conference on the occasion of Prof. Terasoma's 60-th birthday, |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan. |
2019/March 18-22 |
Rigid analytic K-theory and p-adic Chern characters, |
Workshop on arithmetic geometry, Tokyo-Princeton at Komaba, |
東京大学. |
2020/ February 11 |
Theory of motives and ramification theory, |
Enriques Lecture, Seminar of Geometry and Algebra, |
University of Milano, Milan, Italy. |
2023/ March 13 |
From higher dimensional class field theory to a new theory of motives, |
東京大学数理科学研究科大談話会, |
東京大学. |
2023/ March 17 |
Generalized Weibel conjecture, |
Seminario di Geometria Aritmetica, |
University of Milano, Milan, Italy. |
2023/ September 21 |
Recent progresses on motivic cohomology, |
日本数学会2023年度秋季総合分科会 総合講演, |
東北大学. |
2023/ November 15 |
A pro-cdh topology and motivic cohomology of schemes, |
Guest seminar Algebra and Topology, |
University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany. |
2024/ March 18-22 |
A pro-cdh topology on formal schemes, |
Conference ''Motives in Mainz'', |
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany. |
2024/ May 27 |
Pro-cdh descent for algebraic K-theory of derived schemes, |
Guest seminar Algebra and Topology, |
University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany. |
2024/July 1-5 |
A pro-cdh topology and motivic cohomology of schemes, |
Arithmetic Geometry, Algebraic Geometry and Analytic Geometry, Conference on the occasion of Prof. Fujiwara's 60-th birthday, |
University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan. |
2024/October 25-29 |
A pro-cdh topology and motivic cohomology of schemes, |
6th Kyoto-Nanjing Workshop on Algebraic and Arithmetic Geometry, |
Nanjing University, Nanjing China. |