Fire, Ambulance

Dial 119

You can only report in Japanese.
Speak slowly and clearly to make yourself understood.


  1. Kaji desu! (It is a fire.)
  2. Kokowa _______Desu. (Give your address or location.)
  3. _______ no tikaku desu. (Give the names of nearby landmarks.)
  4. Watashi no namae wa _______ desu. (Give your name.)
  5. Denwabango wa _______ desu. (Give your telephone number.)


  1. Kyubyo desu! / Keganin desu! (a sudden illness) / (an injury)
  2. Kokowa _______Desu. (Give your address or location.)
  3. _______ no tikaku desu. (Give the names of nearby landmarks.)
  4. Watashi no namae wa _______ desu. (Give your name.)
  5. Denwabango wa _______ desu. (Give your telephone number.)